Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Crafty Tip Tusday

Are there scrapbookers out there that have been frustrated with the lack of good scrapbooking flowers? Half of the time that I go into Hobby Lobby which by the way is just about everyday (man I have to get a life) I just don't see any good flowers to use. But on the way out of the store one day it dawned on me that I could use some regular silk flowers. Why not!?
I'm sure this isn't an original idea, but just something to throw out there. So I have gone nuts buying lots of flowers and now I have so many choices. It is fantastic! It does open a few doors to more flowers that have a lot more depth of color, and certainly a lot more possibilities. Silk flowers are usually 50% off at Hobby Lobby, so it makes quite an amazing deal! Here is one of the ways that I have utilized this new idea.



  1. I am going to have to go there and see what I can find. Stopping by from sits!

  2. hi mary,
    i have tried to add flowers to my scrapbook pages but they stick up so much, but i love them anyhow! happy wednesday! stop by and wish me a happy bday! lol

  3. Just stopping in from SITS...I love using regular silk flowers! They are much less expensive and do the job just as nicely. Cute blog!

  4. Thanks for this great tip! I will have to try it and I know what you mean about going to Hobby Lobby all the time. There is a Michael's store a little too close to where I live. When I am working on projects I go there way too much!

    Thank you for your kind words you left the other day. I can't tell you how much it means to me. Thanks!



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